So what is one to do? Bill O'Reilly of Faux News fame makes many obscene and inflammatory statements on his daily Radio Factor and nightly O'Reilly Factor broadcasts. Taken out of context, one could reasonably read into his statements some truth. For example: Bill O'Reilly said "People don't understand the danger this country poses to the world." Of course, Bill was not refering to the United States Global Military Machine, but rather, to Iran. Ask yourself, who's more dangerous: A state with virtually unlimited means to inflict violence, conventional weapons of mass killing (machine guns, tanks, mortar, missiles, bombs of all shapes and sizes), as well as so called ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (nuclear, chemical, and biological) and have a long history of using any and all of these whenever and wherever they see fit to extend and /or protect "their interests" or those who, one day, could conceivably develop the ability to protect themselves and...