Winds of change blowing across America

Seven years into the 21st Century, Americans find ourselves embattled with our goverment like no other time since the Revolutionary Wars of the 1700s and the Civil Wars of the 1800s. We catalized the wars of the 1900s and, just like the early American colonists and the native people already living here, we are in dangerous, dangerous terror-itory.

In the 1700s King George was corrupt and oppressive; he violated the human rights of the many while serving as a bitch whore to the rich and powerful elites who held the gold and paid to pay for the weapons they needed to get what they wanted. Today, the New World Order of America's Masters are corrupt and oppressive, violate our rights and serve only the super-rich elites who want nothing but to feed us a steady diet of their cock-cum while making us pay for the honor and privlige of sucking them. The see us as sucking off them, but we are sucking them off... Don't be outfucked by your own willingness to perform whore deeds on your knees bowing down to the one you serve, God Money.

Most of the chicken hawks and war profiteers running the U.S. War Show (The Theater) hardly needed the extra encouragement of a really great blowjob. They will fuck you first, then you will beg to blow! This unholy alliance between the raped and the rapist has created a massive human bloodbath of death and brutallity for thousands of Americans and nearly a million Iraqis. And what did the Iraqis, or the Americans do to deserve this brutal treatement? We let it happen by feeding and funding it. We have not faught against it. What would that take? How would we do that? How would it end? In Death, as all wars are ulimately about killing each other.

In recent years, under current government officials and under the influence of many of those in control of the communications media, we have seen our human decency, honor and moral direction seriously damaged.
Americans' hearts and minds have been manipulated and twisted by unsavory people and groups, further damaging our society and our democracy.

Like the populations of some other areas of the world, we seem to have become confused about good and evil, right and wrong.
Misguided leaders of our adversaries also continue to confuse the people elsewhere.

Some of these leaders, on all sides, advocate killing, killing, killing the perceived enemy. They say killing innocent people, including children, is part of the fight.
The bombs that kill innocents can be improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or high-tech smart bombs dropped from advanced warplanes. The terror and bloodshed are similar.


Back in the mid-1700s, it was not easy for many to admit that King George and his power structure were corrupt and that significant change was needed. Many felt that they should remain loyal to the crown and the class system of elites and royalty of England.

And, after all, wasn't King George directly blessed by God to rule? Weren't the aristocrats and ruling classes better and smarter than the average people?
Meanwhile, many of the immigrants to North America had been meeting and dealing with the native people for generations. Early explorers and colonists had experienced the full range of interactions with Indian tribes, from intermarriage to fierce battles and wars.

Many of these tribes had social systems that included strong democratic principles.

The Indians had been feeling changes for a long while. The Europeans had come several generations before the era of the American Revolution - Spanish, French, English and others. They were occupying land the Indians had lived on for thousands of years.

As changes in the colonies escalated and an American revolution developed, Indians in the east wondered what a new country called the United States of America mean for the native people.

It didn't look good. It might mean more expansion into Indian lands. It might mean more hardship for the native people. It could mean the whites pitting tribe against tribe, trying to divide and conquer. It could even mean the destruction of the Indian nations and cultures.

As it turned out, the new democracy and republic of the United States did not include the Indians. Within the next 100 years, most of the native people in these eastern regions would be forced west as this new United States of America expanded.

And, of course, many were killed through violence, forced marches, hunger, disease and the destruction of their dignity and way of life.


During the days of the American Revolution, American patriots had a vision of a nation that was ruled by the people, through ideals and methods that included those of a democracy and a republic.
Winds of change were blowing. People were coming to a new awareness about citizenship and government, about God-given rights and liberties.
Today, new American patriots have a vision of a nation that is ruled by the people. And once again, it is not easy for many to consider the idea that the governing power structure is corrupt and needs to be changed.

To turn around our own country, it may be necessary to make significant adjustments.

American society is under attack. Not only from so-called terrorists, but also from within. From corrupt politicians and their cronies, from the injustices in our own society, from the darkness that can invade our own hearts and minds.

The terrorism and threats we face at home include the daily reports of horrific killings of innocents, moral corruption in high places, deaths and terrible injuries to our loved ones serving in the military, damage to our honor, "blowback" from misguided and deceptive foreign policies, threats of the loss of our basic liberties and prospects of long-term economic decline and national debt.
When we successfully turn back these threats, use our intelligence and moral integrity to take our nation in a new direction and determine to help our fellow human beings, maybe the news accounts we hear will be more uplifting.


What does our history and these developments, events and situations have to teach us about human nature and ways to make progress in the future?
Understanding human psychology and behavior seems to be a key factor. Many of the difficult and even terrible situations we face are based on human perception, emotions and understanding, or lack of understanding.

For example, in matters such as finding reasonably successful solutions to problems overseas, there are many intelligent tactics that can accomplish the goals of neutralizing adversaries, encouraging peace, discouraging rampant killing and destruction, making friends for America, achieving prosperity, assisting in human development and generally helping people move forward.
These efforts can also be effective here at home where American society sometimes seems seriously damaged by violence, crime, mental and emotional illness, poverty, homelessness, foolish entertainment, child abuse and with a greater percentage of our citizens in prison than any other country on the planet.
Many of the goals and methods to improve the human condition at home and anywhere around the world are basically the same. Examples include:

- Providing opportunities for people to earn a decent living, care for their families and live in a decent home and community with dignity and reasonable safety

- Helping people become educated with an opportunity to thrive as human beings and contribute to human society

- Assisting people obtain health care for themselves and sick and injured loved ones

- Encouraging positive human relationships, human decency, fairness, compassion and fellowship

Maybe in coming days, months and years the people of the United States and our government will adopt strategies and methods that help our country and our world move toward a better future.

It will take a change of psychology and a different consciousness. It will take intelligence in the fullest, widest and deepest meanings of the word. It will take the courage and strength of Americans to regain control of our destiny and direction.

April 20, 2007by Steve Hammons


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